Our teams define their own tasks

The goal is to deliver a promised outcome. How that happens is totally up to the teams.

Basic facts about
our teams

  • Each team varies in size and looks after a specific component of our system
  • End-to-end responsibility often requires team members to extend their skills beyond their primary specialisation
  • Teams can mostly use a technology stack of their choice
  • Agile style of work is a must but each team chooses its own methodology

We’ve got 40+ teams. Each being unique in some way

Credit Card Management team

„You know what they say… dev team works best when you don’t notice it. We don’t get noticed much so I suppose we do our job well.“

Otakar Kotrhonz
Team Leader & Software Developer

„We develop a system that issues credit cards. It’s a standard back office application that fuels a bunch of web services. What I like about it is that it’s easy to visualize the business impact. And also that we gradually need to deal with greater throughput and scalability

Otakar Kotrhonz
Team Leader & Software Developer

„At the moment, we're working on dividing the application into a bunch of smaller ones. And we’re going to have containerization deployed by the end of 2019 to get rid of WebLogic.“

Otakar Kotrhonz
Team Leader & Software Developer

Team size:

11 members


Modified Kanban





Loyalty team

„We’re colleagues rather than friends. We don’t really go out for a beer every Friday. But we would like to, I suppose… it’s just that all of us have kids and live in different parts of Prague.”

Ondřej Horák
Team Leader & Software Developer

„We look after 4 modules. The main one, at least from the business perspective, is the Loyalty Management System. It rewards people based on how they use our credit cards. Other modules are rather technical. For example, we’ve recently taken over the Notifier module that sends out notifications to the clients.”

Ondřej Horák
Team Leader & Software Developer

„As for the users of our applications, it's mostly the employees who administer them. They configure its functioning, how much it should pay out, etc. Or they use them when a customer reports a problem and they need to find out what is the cause.”

Ondřej Horák
Team Leader & Software Developer

Team size:

10 members


Modified Kanban



Fingerprint Authentication team

„We gather feedback by writing comments on green, orange and red post-its. At the end of each month, we have lunch together and go through them. Either there is someone willing to resolve an issue and then gets it assigned, or there isn’t so it’s not worth the time and we drop it.”

Petr Bartusek
Team Leader & Software Developer

„We develop a system that uses biometric data for identity verification. Originally, it was just fingerprints but we added face recognition last year. In the Philippines and Indonesia, each city has its own ID which makes the system vulnerable to fraud. Using biometric data makes the process more convenient for the customers and safer for us.”

Petr Bartusek
Team Leader & Software Developer

„The verification process is handled by 3 separate applications. The first one, written entirely in Java, scans the biometric data and runs on 8,000 shop assistants’ computers in the countries. The second is a server that handles the input data and distributes it further. And the third is a biometric server that does the hard work of comparing the data. We don’t develop that, we only integrate with it.”

Petr Bartusek
Team Leader & Software Developer

Team size:

4 members





OSB Integration team

„We’re good friends who spend time together, even after the working hours. We attend pub quizzes once a week, or go just for a beer… or play football, exit games, go canoeing... ”

Michal Schwager
Team Leader & Product Manager

„OSB in the company started as an integration platform between internal modules. Lately, our focus shifted towards integration of third parties, such as local applications in the countries or external registers with our core systems.”

Michal Schwager
Team Leader & Product Manager

„We never had the roles narrowly specified in our team. Everybody did pretty much everything. Since the transformation, we also have to look after infrastructure, so now we have 2 guys dedicated specifically to DevOps and system administration. Nevertheless, we do not want to be dependent on individual team members, so we are sharing the knowledge within the team.”

Michal Schwager
Team Leader & Product Manager

Team size:

6 members









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